Lou Sheppard "A Strong Desire" (diptych)


“A Strong Desire” is a translation of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) diagnostic criteria for gender dysphoria into a dance. The DSM text represents a psychiatric diagnosis that allows access to trans health care like hormone therapy and surgery. It also represents the medicalization of Trans identity, acting as a barometer against which Trans experience is judged. Starting from the text Lou found the shapes and lines of Labanotation, a choreographic notation system, in the spaces between each word. These shapes were then scored and read, resulting in a set of movement directions. Leelee then took these directions and translated them into dance. Created in 2018 following a residency focused on the project at the Khyber Centre for the Arts.

14"x14” per each print in the diptych

Stonehenge fine art paper

Artist Bio:
Lou Sheppard works in interdisciplinary audio, performance and installation based practices. He has performed and exhibited across Canada, notably at The Art Gallery of York University, The Confederation Centre for the Arts, and at Plug-In ICA, and as part of the first Toronto Biennial, as well as internationally, at Kumu Kunstimuuseum in Estonia, in the Antarctic Biennial, and at Titanik Gallery in Finland. Lou has participated in numerous residencies, including the International Studio Curatorial Program in Brooklyn, NY., La Cité des Arts in Paris, and as participant and faculty at The Banff Centre. He has been longlisted for the Sobey Art Award in 2018, 2020 and 2021, and was the winner of the Emerging Atlantic Artist Award in 2017. Lou is a settler on the traditional and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaq in Mi’kma’ki/Nova Scotia.
