Gavin Snow "Trading Card" "Brand New Artifact from Dollarama"

$100.00 - $150.00

Both works were created in 2023.

"Trading Card"


Oil on fabric

"Brand New Artifact from Dollarama"


Mixed media on canvas

Artist Bio:
Gavin Snow/@kickindabucket2 is a white non-binary multimedia artist based in Kjipuktuk (Halifax) on Mi’kma’ki (Mi’kmaq Territory) in Nova Scotia. Originally from Eastern Ktaqamkuk (Newfoundland), they are currently completing their Fine Arts degree at NSCAD, with a double minor in art history and film studies. Intrigued by the coexistence and relationship of disposable, ephemeral and mass-produced objects amongst objects considered ‘precious’, ártisan, and crafted. The work is crafted from various objects interacted with, often through chance encounter, with the artist. Gavin seeks to represent their time and place within history through archival of everyday objects, modified into art objects that viewers can project meanings and narratives onto. The work is saturated with references to pop culture, art history and daily life to capture their thoughts, feelings and reactions to their surroundings. Gavin questions many art conventions such as achievability, its status as a part of ‘high culture,’ the idea of completeness, the correlation between skill and time, and how available technology shapes the representation and perception of ‘skill.’